Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Finally!  Here is my newest love, and I am so glad I am doing it.  I have discovered sprouting.  I tried last year with a sprouting container but it was a dismal failure.  I discovered sprouted peas at the Indy Winter Farmer's Market ( a few weeks ago.  Well, I bought seeds the next week, and soil.  Now I have these beauties which sprout pretty quick.  The lady I bet the sprouts from said 4-5 days.  Mine are about 9-10 days.  They're even bigger today.  I picked off a few, rinsed, and cut up and garnished my eggs this morning.  I had a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese as well.  It was yummers!  Next, I am going to try beet sprouts.  There are many options to choose.  So many, so little time.  Oh wait, I can do this any darn time I please!

Aren't they cute?  They're yummy on sandwiches too.  I use them in place of lettuce, and I can constantly keep a supply going.  I need to invest in some more containers.  I am even thinking I could poke holes in old margarine tubs and use that.

I even have some kale seeds started to plant in a few weeks.  I'll be getting a full share in a CSA, but one can always use more, in case the farm has a bad year.  I grow in containers, so I feel like I would be more immune to natural problems that farms face.  Maybe not.  I cut a couple pieces from my rosemary plant to try and start a couple more.  The kale is very young, just a week or so old.  And I watered just after this picture, so don't worry, it's not thirsty anymore.

What are you going to do this summer to help coax new life into this world.  Life that will reap you many rewards, both internally and externally?  Here is some info from Mother Jones magazine about the cals burned doing gardening activities.  It's a great workout.  This doesn't address height and weight, so take this as a rough guide.

Watering lawn: 61

Mowing lawn (ride-on): 101

Trimming shrubs (power): 142

Raking: 162

Bagging leaves: 162

Planting seedlings: 182

Mowing (push with motor): 182

Planting trees: 182

Snow thrower (walking): 182

Trimming shrubs (manual): 182

Weeding: 182

Clearing land: 202

Digging, spading, tilling: 202

Laying sod: 202

Chopping wood: 202

Gardening with heavy power tools: 243

Mowing lawn (push manual): 243

Double digging: 344

Here is the link for this article crediting the source:

So, get out there and work some of your land.  Get some containers and fill with soil and plants.  Build a pretty corner flower bed in your yard.  Just do something that will brighten your spirits when you see it, give you some physical, tangible benefits, and possibly even help feed you this summer. 

In later posts, I will share preserving tips that I find, to help extend the season a bit.

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